UnderTaker:A Tribute
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UnderTaker`s Article Relating To his Pre-WWF Years
The Globe(Tabloid Paper)recently did a special called childhood secrets of the wrestling superstars.It included write ups on many superstars including.....our deadman.his was titled "Towering Ghoul was weird kid in school"

He claims he was a gravedigger, but never worked in the cementery.He says hes from sizzling Death Valley, but grew up in the soft suburbs of Houston.He brags that he was an embalmer, but thats a lie too!!(i recently can confirm that he really was a gravedigger, guess the globe needs to get their facts straight huh..LOL)

Mark Calaway pulled bizarred pranks in HighSchool, just like he does today in the ring
Calaways eating habits were also legendary.He gobbled 3-4 sandwhiches at lunch.He also stood out because of his size and flaming red hair.The summer before HighSchool, he exploded six inches.AS 6-foot-8, 230 pound red head, he starred in basketball but skipped football because of an unblical hernia stemming from birth that caused weakness in his stomach wall.

Now 6-foot-10 and 330 pounds, the undertakers dark moods are no surprise to his teachers
His mom says "his english teacher told me:"If hes down, its like a morgue in my classroom"

How He Looked In College
Yes!!!! that is Mark before he was known as the UnderTaker.. or any of his other alliases...hes change very much so from this pic..LOL, but hes still alittle cutie..hehehe no matter what!!!
  Championship In The Air!!
Ok for everyone that seen this weeks smackdown..all heard SCSA`s little speech about him putting his world title on the line to anyone in the WWF!!.. Now that means that taker has a shot..
I am hoping that he will take him up on his offer and show and prove once and for all that he is, and always will be the TRUE champion!!! in the WWF and in my heart!!

UnderTaker`s Profile At A Glance
REAL NAME:mark calaway

OTHER ALLIASES:mean mark callous,texas red,the punisher, the master of pain, dice morgan

NICK NAMES:The phenom, the man from the darkside,the lord of the darkness,deadman

BIRTHDAY:march 24 1962



TITLES:WWF world heavywiehgt(2) WWF world tagteam,USWA unified world,USWA texas heavyweight

FINISHERS:tombstone piledriver, the last ride

QUOTES:Rest In Peace, Try me, ill make you famous

Mean Mark Callous!!
This is mark.. before he was even the UnderTaker.This is him as Mean Mark Callous!! yea that is him..hehehe a tattooless taker... or mean mark..lol..with short hair too.. but hes still a hottie...uh huh!!! LOL

Taker Of Today!!
Here is is.. as we know him today!! The american BadAss...The UnderTaker..hes still tall..still red hair..and most of all still gorgeous!!! but we all know that, that will never ever change..no matter what he does.. or how old he may be!!!